> So where the Hell do you find a 1/8" paper punch? The only ones I find
> seem to be closer to 3/16" or 1/4". Like the ones I used back when I
> thought it was practical to flip TRS-80 diskettes. (It wasn't. They
> worked -- for a while, especially when diskettes were $20+ per ten.)
Small dia. hammered punches, called "arch punches" (try General Tool Co.)
might be good. Any competent machinist should be able to convert a
astandard paper punch into a smaller one by turning down the punch and
fitting a bushing into the die.
At 12:36 PM 12/2/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Speaking of my T200, it can turn itself on and off... can a Wintel box do
>that??? ;-)
Sure, most computers can... All you need is a good X10 setup... 8^)
(Actually, I'd love to be able to build a box that would switch on my
voicemail system after X rings.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger(a)sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California http://www.crl.com/~sinasohn/
Found the following:
>>I have a (more than) complete Intel ISIS-II development system for sale.
I got
it from work. We used it to develope 8051 projects. I have a few emulators
and EPROM programmers that go with it. Cost $100. You pay shipping costs.
Please E-mail me at DSevy2(a)aol.com if you are interested.<<
Rich Cini/WUGNET
<nospam_rcini(a)msn.com> (remove nospam_ to use)
ClubWin! Charter Member (6)
MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
Well I finally finished my project and I'm currently enjoying my month off,
trying to get done all of the little things that I've been meaning to do for
the last 2 years.
====> Warning - shameless plug inserted here
By the way, if you own a Sega Saturn and are interested in NASCAR racing -
check out NASCAR 98 published by Electronic Arts. The NTSC version should
be in the stores any day now. And the English,French, and German PAL version
should be in the stores by Christmas.
======== end plug ============
Any way, I have some PRELIMINARY results from my first little research project.
For some time now I've been worried that when my last two boxes of 10 sector
hard sector mini-floppies were gone, I would not be able to find any more.
So, I started toying with the idea that I could make my own floppies.
Last weekend, using a 1/8" paper punch, I changed 3 DSDD soft sectored floppies
into 3 DSDD 10 sector hard sector floppies by punching 10 more holes in them!
So far I've just tested them on an IMSAI and a North Star Horizon using CP/M
1.4 and NSDOS. NO PROBLEMS! (Format,copy disk,boot with new disk)
North Star DOS has a DT (Disk Test) command that writes an incrementing pattern
to the entire disk starting at track 0 (over and over until you press ctl-C).
If there is any interest, I can write up a step by step procedure for the List.
Also over the weekend I got my S-100 monitor card to working. It uses
74LS04s and
LEDs to monitor just about every line on the bus. It also has LEDs for each of
the 3 voltages and a timer circuit that flashes a set of LEDs to show if the
clock is running. Now I can start checking out some those systems that have been
sitting around waiting to be tested.
On the lighter side-
Here is a couple of the requests that I've received since my museum has been
"did coleco make a toy called a superstar guitar in 79 or 80?
The spokesman for the toy was wolfman jack.
Thanks. rz"
"Mr. Coward
I recently came into possesion of a hand held scanner
Model: Realistic Pro-31/HiLo
It seems i have no info that would tell me how to use, let alone
find someone that knows..about this make of scanner..
do you know if radio shack has a web site,or mabey realistic..
thanks for your time..Ray Coupal."
"Hi there
Because of non serious Atari business in Norway ,We (my friends and I )
want to
present Atari in Norway again .Could you please help us getting
contacted with the right
manufactor/producer or other responsible for Atari computing.
Please reply (by e-mail )"
"Dear Mr. Coward:
Several years ago I purchased several Dr. Seuss stuffed toys, namely the
Cat in the Hat, Little Cat in the Hat and the Grinch. The tag on the
toys says manufactured by Coleco Industries. Do you have any idea if
these are still available or where I might be able to purchase them?
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated."
This last one, I was able to find one being auctioned off at EBAY.
Doug Coward dcoward(a)pressstart.com
Senior Software Engineer
Press Start Inc.
Museum of Personal Computing Machinery
Recent Wintel machines can turn themselves on and off, but anyway. I
repeatedly become interested in the CoCo, and then lose interest again. What
I wonder is this: I suppose I could find the package below for a relatively
low price. But, I have two problems with those old home machines: they use
composite monitors, and they are usually 320X240. solutions? Speaking of
composites, I have an IBM CGA card that has a flicker whenever I type
something. Solutions?
In a message dated 97-12-02 13:11:37 EST, you write:
<< Funny... My CoCo can support multiple users, and it wasn't expensive at
all... $200 for the machine, $300 for the floppy drive, $129 for OS-9 and
$50 for the 13" color TV I bought at a garage sale... still cheaper than an
single-user IBM box at the time, even when you add the $50.00 RS-232 cart
and the $139 multi-pak so I could connect at up to 19200 bps with my Tandy
Speaking of my T200, it can turn itself on and off... can a Wintel box do
that??? ;-)
Uncle Roger <sinasohn(a)ricochet.net> wrote:
>I am amazed that there isn't a standard for remotes -- 01 for on/off, 02 for
>VolUp, 03 for VolDn, etc. But of course, nobody listens to me.
Hmm. I've got seven remotes and devices here on my desk, and I'm glad
they don't speak the same symbols. I wish they had fewer standards
and more configurable uniqueness, so I could run two of the same
devices each with their own remote. :-)
- John
<Really? I agree that while the speed must be correct within a few
<of percent, but none of the Teletypes that I ever owned (Model 28's and
<Model 33's) had any adjustment for speed. The speed was determined
TTYs could be run at different speeds using differnt gear sets. The differnt
gear sets for both 50/60hz and 10cps and several other speeds such as those
used for RTTY. I believe 25, 50, 60 and 75 were other speeds.
<Now there are adjustments related to the data-bit-timing relative to the st
<bit. Is this what you're talking about?
That is the TD(transmitter distributor) adjustment, that only synchronzes
the reader/keyboard transmit bit stream. There is another timing related
adjustment which is the reciever(a solenoid) to escapment. position.
Used to have one for over ten years did my own maintenance and at taht time
had the manual set.
I have a query about the operation of a KSR 33 TTY when reading paper
tape : does the TTY blindly send the characters read from the tape at 10
cps or is the tape advance and read triggered by a signal from whatever
th TTY is connected to.
Hans B. Pufal : <mailto:hansp@digiweb.com>
Comprehensive Computer Catalogue : <http://www.digiweb.com/~hansp/ccc/>
At 05:26 PM 12/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>machines to new ones. F.E. one could get an old IBM mini (System/3X) for
>little or no money, but is there anything doable on it that is impossible to
>do on a W****** 95 machine?
You can't heat your house with a Wintel box. 8^)
But seriously, how about supporting multiple users? I dunno much about
IBM's, but an HP3000 (like my Micro3000) can handle up to 8 users (Has 16
ports, iirc, but after 6-8 users, the system gets pretty slow.) I have yet
to find a PC database and development environment that could match what's
available (Image/KSAM, Cobol, Powerhouse, Qedit, MPEX, etc.) on the 3000.
(Though, admittedly, I haven't looked all that hard.)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger(a)sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California http://www.crl.com/~sinasohn/
>As I recall, there was much criticism of the IR keyboard since if you were
>far enough away to make it useful, you were too far away to read the
See what I mean, about the IR keyboards, they were a mistake. Possibly the
downfall of the jr. I mean, new sub-$1000 PCs don't try to press new
technologies, but use old ones; which is why they're staying around; and
getting popular. Does anyone remember how much the IR keyboard cost?
Tim D. Hotze