<> Initially, pulled the RQDX1 from the last slot, and installed RQDX3 into
<> empty dual wide position (slot 3, right, seemed odd that it was empty.
<> And yes, the system ran prior to this) next to tape controller. Later
<> reversed process.
<I assume this is a BA23? "Slot 3, right" is empty for a good reason -
<it's a special "CD bus" slot, and isn't connected to the rest of the
<Q-bus. Nothing works there unless it was specially designed to work there
depending on what in the slot order only the first 3 quad slots are CD
and the remaining are dual width Q/Q. So if the RQDX1 was was in quad slot
4 or lower you could have a bus grant problem if rqdx3 was plussged into the
wrong one of the two now vacant dual with slots!
You would definatly get an error if that was the case.
Micro11 ba23 from the rear. The numbers are the bus grant order.
----+---- 1 CPU (q/cd)
----+---- 2 memory (q/cd)
----+---- 3 memory (q/cd) Devices get Q off left slot
----+---- 4/5 device (q/q)
----+---- 7/6 device (q/q)
----+---- 8/9 device (q/q)
----+---- 11/10 device (q/q)
----+---- 12/13 device (q/q)
I forgot the message but error 14 or 15 is a drive or controller error.
kdj11b error 11 not bootable, 12 no disk, 14 no controller, 15 nonexistant
drive, 16 invalid unit selected.
kdf11b error 12 no controller, 13 drive not ready, 14 drive error,
15 controller error, 16 not bootable
New day, new aggrivations...
I've been trying to get an ST-212 drive formatted up as an RD51 so I can
install a copy of Micro-RSTS onto one of my systems.
Got the parameters to format the drive on my VS2000, and that seemed to go OK.
Put the drive into the system (a MicroPDP 11/23), and it looked OK until I
told the RSTS installer to prepare the drive, at which point it started
complaining about various things, and claimed that the drive was an RD52?!?
Back to the notes... Find a note that drives formatted on a VS2000 are not
compatable with an RQDX1 controller... Whats in the 11/23? Yank the back
off... Figures... An RQDX1! FOO!!
Off to the board box... Locate an RQDX3, looks promising... Install it in
the system... Now the system completes its self test and immediately
complains about a "DU0 - ERR 15 Controller Error". WTH is this? Off to
the book shelf... NUTZ! Latest book I've got only gets up to the RQDX1!
Decide to bag it for the night... Put the RQDX1 back in... Same error???
So to the questions:
What is "DU0 - ERR 15 Controller Error" ?
Did the RQDX1 perhaps munge the format on the drive during the install
Anyone have a list of the jumpers on the RQDX3 that might be of use ?
Can a RQDX3 be subbed straight across for an RQDX1 ?
If not, does anyone have a formatter disk (or whatever) for the RQDX1 ?
Why am I now getting the same error from the RQDX1 and the RQDX3 ?
Anyone got a spare copy of a manual that covers the various RQDX? ?
The Computer Garage - http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
<> I hate to continue the waste [well, maybe not], but in my original post
<> said "on _and_ off..." These machines cannot turn on by themselves
<> unattended by setting an internal wake-up time.
<Well, actually, they can.
Th PX-8 can wake up, do something and go to sleep automajikally.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger Merchberger [SMTP:zmerch@northernway.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 1997 1:41 PM
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Spoiled by geezers
> ;
> I hate to continue the waste [well, maybe not], but in my original post I
> said "on _and_ off..." These machines cannot turn on by themselves
> unattended by setting an internal wake-up time.
Well, actually, they can.
<>Funny... My CoCo can support multiple users, and it wasn't expensive at
<>all... $xxx for the machine, $yyy for the floppy drive, $zzz for OS-9 =
And the point was...
I made a subtle point that the older and often smaller machines were not
short on capability and also didn't lack for understandability.
The later is significant. Far to many of the wintel boxen are undocumented
kluges running a million or more lines of incomprehensable code that
sometimes works. After that programming something like PDP-8 with it's
smaller memory and very small instruction set suggest getting to the
concise solution was essential. Same so for the early micros were 64k
of ram and an instruction set that could be remembered.
Often the only difference was speed.
Probably the same as the IIc and Laser 128:
Input: AC120v 60Hz 36VA
Output: DC17V 1.8A
GNd (4,5,6)
Pin 1 is at 1:00. Pin 7 at 11:00.
Hope that helps.
>I just got a Franklin Ace 500 copy of Apple ][C, no documentation or power
>supply. Would anyone have the pin outs and voltages of the seven pin DIN
>power connector?
I just got a Franklin Ace 500 copy of Apple ][C, no documentation or power
supply. Would anyone have the pin outs and voltages of the seven pin DIN
power connector?
Charlie Fox
Thanks to all who gave me pointers a while back. I now have my
SwTPC S/09 booting UniFLEX from 8" floppys. There were a handful
of broken solder-joints in the floppies' power supply, and a dead
NOR gate on one of the Qume's controller boards.
Next up, the winnies...
PS. I'm still having daydreams of getting an old SwTPC 6800 machine,
and maybe a CT-64/CT-VM to go with it. Does anyone have any idea
how many of these things were actually produced, and where most
of them went to, geographically speaking? Should I expect San
Antonio to be a virtual tar pit of old SwTPC stuff?
For those interested...see paste below. 5msf of DEC equipment in Dover, DE.
Rich Cini/WUGNET
<nospam_rcini(a)msn.com> (remove nospam_ to use)
ClubWin! Charter Member (6)
MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
OK. The powers that be no longer want to store this stuff, so the
time has come to make it go away.
We have around 5000 square feet of Vax and PDP equipment
that needs to find new homes. It's mostly older Qbus and Unibus
stuff, so don't expect to find state of the art stuff in here.
There is way too much stuff to list, but in a nutshell, there are
vaxen from 11/730 up to 8820, with many microvaxen in ba23's
and ba123's. There are many unibus pdp-11's, and some
pdp-8 stuff.
There is also a DEC-system 2020.
Many peripherals. TONS of books, manuals, and printsets.
Miles of tape, zillions of disk packs, many 8" floppies, etc.
If someone is looking for something in particular, let me
know and I can see if it is there. Your best bet, however,
is to come walk around and see what you can use.
Equipment is free for the taking and is located in Dover,
Delaware. Don't respond if you are only interested in
scrap. We want to get rid of it, but don't want to see
the stuff junked. Hell, we can junk the stuff ourselves
if that is what we wanted to do. We thought there should
be people out there that can use this equipment.
take one piece, or take everything. First come, first
served. You haul. Unfortunately, we do not have time to
package things for shipping, although if the item is small
enough, and you make a good enough case, exceptions
may be possible. :-)
We are interested in moving this stuff quickly, so please
respond if interested. Email address has been purposely
munged to prevent spam. Re-assemble the address
below to respond.
Jim Bender
jbender at
corpamerica dot com