test-drb October 1997

  • 117 participants
  • 323 discussions

HP-150 disks...
by engine@chac.org
27 years, 3 months

HP-150 disks...
by foxnhare@goldrush.com
27 years, 3 months

Unisys / Convergent Technologies X-bus CTOS/BTOS units in Thrift
by MPritchard@EnsembleStudios.com
27 years, 3 months

Star Trek for CompuColor II
by MPritchard@EnsembleStudios.com
27 years, 3 months

Nicolet 290 needs home
by kmar@lle.rochester.edu
27 years, 3 months

CC> Who's on the list?
by mhop@mail.snip.net
27 years, 3 months

CC> Victor 9000 down the hall
by dastar@crl.com
27 years, 3 months

CC> Victor 9000 down the hall
by sinasohn@crl.com
27 years, 3 months

Dead HP-97 calculator
by fmc@reanimators.org
27 years, 3 months

what is this? IBM powerstation
by Philip.Belben@powertech.co.uk
27 years, 3 months
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