I've got an old piece of test equipment that has momentary push button
switches which are the primary "input" or control. While most of them
seem to work, many of them are sticky, mushy, and just don't have a
positive click.
You haven't given us much to go on :-). There must me thousands of
different types of pushbutton switches used on test equipment. A
make/model of the equipnet and any markings on the switches could be a
help. A description of the swtich would be useful...
Some swithces can be dismantled non-desturctively. If so, take them
apart, you can then clean the contacts. Where you can restore the 'click'
is another matter, sometimes bending some part will do it. FWIW, the
meral from a coke can (or similar) can sometimes be used for make the
'click washer'.
Clean the parts with something lijke propan-2-ol (isopropanol). It
doesn't attack most plastics, and it doesn't leave anythibng behind. I
would not apply lubricants.
I'm not totally adverse to simply replacing them --- assuming I could
find an exact match.
That's what I would do, if I could get soemthing that would fit without
modifications. Again, we'd need to know a bit more about the switches...