Here's the list of people who've contacted me so far requesting
CDP-1802s from my stash (in order received):
Dave McGuire
Alex Knight
Pete Turnbull
Ethan Dicks
Mike Haas
for a total of 24 parts. I hope I haven't missed anybody.
I think I'll keep about 5 of the original 62. So there would be
about 33 still unspoken for.
I couldn't stand it anymore yesterday afternoon, and went to my
folks' place to dig them out and ended up hauling home a ton of old
computer junk that I already don't have room for in my basement. But my
dad, being as much of a pack rat as I am, was glad to have more space
for his antique engines.
It turns out that I didn't "RC", and they're in the plastic package
instead of ceramic. Most of them are CDP-1802BCE, but some are
CDP-1802CE. I'm sure there's some joke in there about how old these
things are, but I'll leave the actual punch line as an exercise for the
reader. I rediscovered an RCA databook that I found some time after the
original haul, and have almost forgotten about already, that has info on
the whole CDP-18XX range, plus some development systems, including the
COSMAC Microboard Computer Systems. I haven't looked too closely, but
from a cursory glance, it would appear that it has
complete schematics
for all kinds of boards for this system, from the CPU board to
battery-backed RAM, UART, display, D/A, and so on. It truly inspires
Anyway, the CDP-1802CE is listed, but the BCE isn't. The 1802CE is
for temperatures ranging from -40 - +85 deg. C. The 'C' suffix (infix?)
has a "recommended voltage range" of 4-6.5 volts. The 1802 ranges from
4-10.5 volts. The 'E' suffix specifies the plastic case, while 'D'
would be ceramic. But I can't tell from the documentation I have what
the 'B' infix would do to it. Tonight I'll sort them into BCE and CE
and post exactly how many of each I have.
Joel Ewy