On Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:54 AM, Eric Chomko
[SMTP:chomko@greenbelt.com] wrote:
I have a 16 bit ISA card that is a Motorola 68020 with 68881 (or is
68882?). Anyway the card
is a complete single board computer that plugs into your AT system.
is made
by a company called
DSI and came with C and FORTRAN, I believe.
I actually collect ISA cards that have interesting processors on them
80186, 68000, 68020, 386
486, etc.)
ISA? Hmm.. That would be my Vermont Microsystems CAD
card. It's got a couple megs of memory, a Z80, and a 80186.
Plus it was mostly hand built, with wire wrapping and hand
soldering .