Rather than pdf, consider using DjVu; it's a
LOT more compact (I recompressed some pages
from the RT-11 Software support manual that
I'd scanned a while ago with DjVu, and went
from about 900 Kb/page to 30-40 Kb/page).
Needless to say, I was very impressed.
900KB/page seems high. The scanner I use
produces LZW compressed TIFFs and wraps
them in PDF - that ends up in the 200-250KB/page
for US Letter size at 600dpi.
Getting to 30-40KB/page with *lossless* compression
would certainly be very impressive.
However, it's taken pdf quite a while to become
the defacto standard. I doubt that it will lose
that mantle until something else comes along with
(at the very least) an openly published spec.
Anyway, I use PDF because that's what the
scanner gives me. If someone wants to convert
to some other format, that's absolutely fine
by me.
The DjVu viewer plugin for various browsers if free,
and a program which scans images to individual files is >also free from
http://www.djvu.com/. I first heard about DjVu on this list, and it is one of the neatest
pieces of compression software that I've seen.
Thanks for the pointer - I'll try to give it
a go sometime soon. Is the compression lossless
(I took a quick look at their pages and could
not tell). Is the format published i.e. could
I write my own viewer. I don't think I would want
to, but I'd be much happier if I knew I could
if I absolutely had to (I didn't see any OpenVMS
support on their pages ...)