From: Chuck McManis <cmcmanis(a)mcmanis.com>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Re: YANU - uVax
Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 1:08 AM
At 10:39 PM 3/8/99 -0800, Zane H. Healy wrote:
>You are joking about wanting to "upgrade" aren't you? The only reason
>can think of to do that is to attach a RX50, since you've already got a
>very good ESDI controller.
I have all the controllers/rx50 ...
I never used it. ESDI disks are easy to get, more capacity, ....
Yes, the only reason I want to add the RQDX3 is to
have a monitor prom
supported bootable device with removable media. One of the uVax has the
Exabyte on it (I don't know if the Viking will boot it or not) and the
other has no media at all (although it does have a TK50 controller so if
could find a TK50 drive that would work.)
A TK50 is cheap, and you can boot from.
I'm going to try to net-boot NetBSD on it since I
don't have any other
VAXen to cluster it with. If that is successful then perhaps it won't be
such a big deal, but I dislike computers that have a
fairly high
infrastructure overhead before you can get them running.
Sorry, i have 2-3 uVax here, all of them have only cpu/mem/ethernet. All of
them are working fine. "infrastructure overhead" ????
just my .0002 cents.