In fact there should be a MacPaint manual. The first edition was printed
on an Imagewriter and has the Apple logo in the lower right corner. A
slightly later (although with the same 1983 copyright date) version was
printed on a Laserwriter and has the logo in the upper left corner.
Mark Gregory wrote:
Just kidding, but I am looking for some info. I found a good condition 128K
Mac at a sale today, with most of the original packaging and materials. I'd
like to know if anything's missing, other than the original packing box for
the system unit itself. I'd like to have a complete set of Mac Ver. 1
materials. What I have is:
-the original boxes for the mouse and keyboard, with stylized colour
paintings of a mouse and keyboard on the boxes.
-a plastic box with the word Macintosh at the upper left, and a stylized
Apple at the lower right. It contains a Mac System Disk, a disk Guided Tour
to the Mac, an audio cassette Guided Tour, a "Programmers Button" option,
several Apple computer stickers, several Apple disk labels, a Macintosh
manual, and power cord.
-a MacWrite/MacPaint box, with a MacWrite/MacPaint disk, a disk Guided Tour
to MacWrite/MacPaint, an audiotape Guided Tour, and a MacWrite manual.
Should there be a separate MacPaint manual as well?
Any help would be much appreciated.