Catching up here, so it might be that this have been sorted out in later
Josh Dersch <derschjo at> wrote:
Ok, finally stopped being distracted by other shiny
objects for long
enough to do some more fiddling with the 11/40.
And of course, instead of hooking up the logic analyzer, I decided to
play around with the Console SLU/LTC board. Because I evidently don't
follow suggestions well.
But this has a good ending, sort of. Maybe.
So the SLU was unresponsive no matter what I did. Tried it at 9600
baud, no go. Dialed it down to 300, no dice. Checked the continuity of
the dip switches, of which there are approximately 500. No problems
there. Checked, and double-checked the wiring on the serial cable I
built. No go. Stole the cable from my 8/e... still no good.
So I moved it out of the 9th slot on the processor backplane and into
the first slot on Unibus backplane. (And put a grant card in the 9th
slot...) And hey, it works. Toggled in a short "echo" program and what
I type on the terminal keyboard is echoed back, at a blistering 300 baud.
So... clearly there's something wrong with the SPC
slot on the processor
backplane. A couple more questions:
1) Is the NPG grant on the unibus slot on the processor backplane (slot
9) supposed to be connected to the NPG grants on the Unibus expansion?
That is -- right now if I set my DMM to continuity mode and put one
probe on CA1 on the first slot of the unibus expansion, and the other on
CB1 on the last slot of the unibus expansion, since all NPG grant
jumpers are in place, the DMM shows the circuit as closed. This is as
I'd expect. However, if I move the probe from CA1 on the first slot of
the expansion to CA1 on slot 9 of the processor backplane, the circuit
is then open. I'm guessing this is not correct. (There is currently an
NPG jumper installed on slot 9.)
Are you *sure* slot 9 in the processor backplane really is a Unibus
slot??? More correctly stated: the unibus out in the backplane A and B
don't neccesarily imply that C-F is a Unibus SPC slot.
I haven't checked the 11/40 drawings or manuals, and I assume you have
been reading them some. Please check this.
It's a big mistake to just assume that one slot is like another...
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol