On Tue, 1 Sep 1998, Zane H. Healy wrote:
in 4' cab with Cipher Digital horiz. 9trk drive.
You sure this is an RC? The only way it would be an RC from my
understanding is if it's a VAXstation II/RC. Three of the slots in the
That's what the little badge says above the switches.... I
haven't had time to look in the computer yet... the back panel has
the ethernet port and 8 serial connectors, and ribbons for the
Cipher. I didn't get the model of the cabinet, but it's 4' high and
the uVax is mounted on rack rails on it's side under the magtape.
Nothing alse in the cabinet but the power controller.
Any HP afficianados out there... I am really curious to see what
thes various things do... I have noknowledge of the computing side
of HP, though I have used (and own) tons of their test gear.
[ HP 7914 disk, 3000s, etc...]