From: Sellam Ismail <dastar(a)>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Re: [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity
Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 3:53
On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Geoff Roberts wrote:
> You've already lost if you have to run Windoze whatever. I'd switch to
> something more stable in a minute, but the sad part is that Windoze is
> everywhere, so we have to teach our students to use it and the apps
> run on it, because that's what they will
likely find in the real
So are you preparing your students for 1 or 2 years out, or are you
preparing them for a lifetime? If you're just preparing them for the
first few years of their career, keep teaching them windows.
Tell it to the employers. They ask for people with computer skills. But
what they really want is people that are skilled in the use of
Word, Excel and Access. When that situation changes, we'll happily shift
to Linux or similar. For now, it has to be left to the University (we're
Reception to Year 12, ie; Primary/High School) to teach about real
operating systems etc.
However, if you want to give them the advantage over
others that will
allow them to be more competitive, make more money and therefore get more
girls (and boys) start teaching them on Linux boxes.
I'd like to do both, as Micro$oft skills are still very marketable,
especially for young people in a high youth unemployment market.
(Like around here) Sadly, very few companies/businesses within 100miles or
so use anything but MS Office. (Apart from 2 ISP's)
Geoff Roberts
Computer Systems Manager
Saint Marks College
Port Pirie, South Australia