On the topic of matrix conversions...
Going from one device matrix to a controller expecting another
is something like converting one set of 24 lines to another 24. To do
it in PIC's would take two, unless there were such things as matrix to
serial encoders and decoder chips. Anybody make them?
To stick with the 9915 keyboard for the moment.
The Matrix is something like 11 * 8 (or is it 10*8?). And from what I
rmember, only 1 key in the matrix is ever 'down' at a time. I was going
to simulato that by a couple of analogue muxes back-to-back (if you see
what I mean), then I cna feed in the right select codes and effectively
press a key.
Shift and Control are handled spearately (they have their own pins on the
DB25 connector), an open-collector output for each would do.
For machines that need have several keys pressed at once, there was (is?)
a 4*4 crosspoint switch IC in the 4000 series CMOS. There's proably
something like it still available.
I was going to use a normal PC/AT keyboard, which has an intenral
microcontroller to do the scanning. Feed the serial output of that into
my onw microcontroller that then controls the muxes, etc.