<Yes, you're right. The same Signetics data book lists the 74LS367 as
<having a typical propagation delay of 10ns. Incidentally, if I claimed
<8us for the 8T97, that was a typo, I meant 8ns, of course.
<Anyway, the 74F367 (I looked in the Philips databook) claims a typical
<delay of 5ns, so that should easily replace the 8T97 (provided decoupling
<an layout is OK - these FAST chips like to cause ground-bounce, etc).
At that time the difference of 2-4nS was insignificant relative to CPU
timing and memory timing. At the time the 8t97 was vogue memories were
fast at 250nS and typically 450ns was the norm for Eproms. I freely
swapped 8t97s with '367s based on availability. Also as time wore on the
8t97 would disappear and the '367 would get faster. Moot point in general
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