Keith wrote:
While I haven't dug into the past posts to see
what exactly you are
doing, I use a Parallax uC for my solution to create .ADF (amiga
emulator files) from amiga formatted disks w/ a standard pc drive.
I'm using an Altera Cyclone II FPGA to do the data read/write stuff, a Micron
SDRAM for data storage, an Atmel DataFlash chip to store the FPGA microcode
and a Microchip PIC18F4550 to handle the USB interface and boot the FPGA
(although strictly speaking I could use a smaller PIC and let the FPGA handle
the USB interface...)
It's been designed from the get-go to do everything required to image and
restore soft- and hard-sectored discs. Timing resolution is around the 25ns
range (which is an integer multiple of the standard data rates -- 1Mbps,
500kbps, 300kbps, and 250kbps). There's an index-pulse, track-mark and
sync-word detector that handles read/write synchronisation.
The FPGA contains two distinct modules - a read module and a write module. The
read module is basically a chunk of logic that counts the number of clock
cycles between pulses on the RD_DATA line and writes the timing values to RAM.
The write module is a finite state machine that has a few simple instructions:
WRITE_TIMING_R(N) -- wait N cycles and strobe WRITE_DATA
SET_WR_GATE(B) -- enable/disable WRITE_GATE
WAIT_TMARK -- halt the FSM until a track mark is detected (hard
sector discs only)
WAIT_INDEX(N) -- halt the FSM until N index pulses have been detected
HALT -- stop the FSM and set the DONE flag
So for a soft-sector disc you'd use WAIT_INDEX(1) then SET_WR_GATE(1) followed
by a bunch of WRITE_TIMING_R() instructions and finished with a SET_WR_GATE(0).
For hard-sectored, you'd use WAIT_TMARK, SET_WR_GATE(1), write some data, then
SET_WR_GATE(0). That would write to sector 1 -- if you wanted to write to
(e.g.) sector 5, add a WAIT_INDEX(4) after WAIT_TMARK.
I've seen that before, and I'm sure I've commented on it (more than likely as
"philpem"). Interesting project, though I wouldn't have used a Parallax
It looks like you're just wanting to read and write Amiga discs -- I'm wanting
to take this to the point where it's possible to read, analyse and then
remaster discs -- especially copy-protected discs.
I'm also planning to add some form of auto-analysis to the driver software,
which will (hopefully) allow it to use some basic heuristics to figure out the
data rate and disc format, spit out a .RDI file (custom open-spec Raw Disc
Image -- stores decoded MFM or FM streams or timing values) then decode the
data into a .IMA file (PC), .ADF (Amiga / Acorn), .SSD/.DSD (BBC Micro) etc.
for use on an emulator.
One other thing that might be worth playing with is density analysis -- in
theory, no two drives will write at exactly the same speed (motor speeds are
rarely perfect). You can - again, theoretically - exploit this to figure out
if a disc has been written to after it was mastered (e.g. high score tables,
etc. have changed).
classiccmp at