Is anyone interested in trading a pair of what appear to be two 256K
Unibus memory boards, made by National Semiconductor Memory Systems
(these boards have four rows of thirty-two 4164-15 ICs on them), for
two of the following:
- DEUNA for a PDP-11
- RS232 interface for a PDP-8/e
- TK50 Q-bus controller
- some other board I don't have and can use
- or... will trade both memory boards for one Q-bus 32-bit SCSI
Other things available:
Emulex Performance 4000 terminal server; has a short in it somewhere.
Either fix it and get a working server, or, turn it back in to Emulex
and for just a couple of hundred bucks, get a reconditioned working
server! (this was the case the last time I contacted Emulex) Make me
an offer.
Sun Field Engineers Handbooks: like new condition for the newer (not
very newest) SPARC machines... these don't go back to the older Sun 4
and Sun 3 systems, which I need the handbooks for.
Some sort of ethernet board for a QMS printer, marked as: QMS DTRBD,
ETHRNT, 16BIT, CROWN, 2293117. The box it came in has "Appletalk for
QMS860" written on it, but documentation in the box says "QMS UNIX
Host Software."
The following I'd prefer to trade locally (Baltimore area):
An IBM 4701-1 bank branch controller system; comes with three small
Geac terminals (sans keyboards!) and some other sort of interface
units, cables, etc. Interesting looking toy for those into IBM stuff,
and includes documentation (a book inside the cabinet!). I'll bet
that with some hacking, this could be made into some sort of dedicated
controller of some sort for an application not requiring much CPU
speed or memory. Fascinating looking bus, boards, etc. Contains an
8" floppy drive.
Things I'm looking for:
- anything DEC-related (could use a cabinet tell enough to put an
11/44 CPU and four RL02 drives in)
- PDP-8/e boards (esp. hard drive or RS232 interface) and an
additional backplane
- ULTRIX 4.2 installation media to replace the now missing /usr
directory on my Decstation
- OS for a MIPS Magnum 3000 on a cartridge tape, as well as any
documentation for this system
- Data General system running 16-bit AOS/VS, preferable something
small like an MV-2,000/4,000 (I want to see "Nothing happens." in
response to XYZZY, not "Twice as much happens.")
R. D. Davis