I've been revising my web site a bit recently. One of the things I've
added is the entire 1978 Tandy Computers catalog which features such
things as the IMSAI 8080, Sol-20, Vector 1, etc. I don't know about
you, but aside from this one catalog, I had no idea that Tandy ever
sold anything like this. At any rate, the whole thing has been
scanned and put on my web site. I tried to keep the page images small
so they don't take forever to load, but it means that you can only
read the tag lines and prices. Still, the pictures and prices are fun
to look at. Take a look and let me know what you think. If there is
sufficient interest, I might go back and scan the pages at a higher
resolution and link the bigger images to the current ones. Also, let
me know if you see any glaring errors on my site; I'm still tracking
down some minor formatting problems, but most of it should be fine.
Just pick the "classic computers" link on the first page and go from
there to see the catalog. Hope you enjoy looking through it as much
as I did!
-Bill Richman
(Home of the COSMAC Elf Simulator!)