----Original Message----
All I remember from Pascal programs I have seen is that every thing
is 1 large program. I/O is from the punched card era and every body
handles SETS differently. Did any one ever use TINY Pascal?
I remember back in '81 writing a lot of 1802 assembly language for a
Discrete Fourier Transform processor (TTL and HC chips) in a sonobuoy
project (PC boards 20" long and only 3" wide)... now you just throw in
a DSP chip that runs on milliwatts...
Anyhow I was very happy when "Micro Concurrent Pascal" came out, so I
could write the control program and user-interface routines in a high-
level language.
Of course it didn't have good checking, as I discovered after chasing
an intermittent crash for days with only a scope and logic analyzer. A
junior programmer had put a subscript value of 60 in the middle of a
group of variables, although the array itself was defined as [1..20].
It wasn't easy to spot by eye even once we had found it.
So a location 40 bytes away was being overwritten, and sometimes to a
value that would kill the program, sometimes not!
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