I found a little information that may give a cluue. Go
and scroll down to the section headed "D/CAS". My tapes have the big
notch described. I think the coercivity of these tapes is about 600
oersteds (which makes them Class II); normal audio tape is about
280-320 (Class I).
Interesting about that notch. I tried fitting an audio cassette tape in
mine last night, and it inserted and allowed me to close the drive (flip
the locking handle to the locked position). The link indicates that I
shouldn't be able to close the drive without that notch being present.
I didn't examine the mechanism as it locked, so it is possible that it
has a fail safe and although the handle showed locked, the transport in
fact wasn't. Or of course, the previous owner may have forced it locked
on an audio cassette and broken the transport. I guess I need to open the
drive again tonight and take a look.
It does give me hope that you think the tape might be in the range on an
Audio Class II tape. Those are easy and cheap to come by around here. The
local Tower Records sells them in lengths from 30 minutes to 120 minutes,
with all sorts of odd "match the CD" lengths in between. They are usually
in the $1 to $5 each range depending on brand, quality, length, and
number in a pack. I should take a look there tonight, I almost wouldn't
be surprised if they sell D/CAS tapes (if they were used in audio
equipment at any point, chances are Tower has a few of them).