-----Original Message-----
From: Megan <mbg(a)world.std.com>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Wednesday, 24 March 1999 10:03
Subject: Re: Museums
>I think our vision of such a place may be something
like a Cybercafe with
>a dedicated place for old computer equipment to be renovated and
>experimented with. Obviously there would be a place for visiting
>computers systems as well as space for "The Collection".
Ahem, yes. Mine too. I run an Internet Cafe.
We have a big workshop out the back, which is partly filled with Vaxen in
various stages of repair/decomposition.
As well, I use an 8530/CIBCA? and TU78/TA78 pair as a room divider in the
cafe, and a HSC50 and a half height cabinet, with 3 RA81's in it, as a
counter. Oh, yeah, there's a 6310 and SA600 (working system) in there too.
(Single phase conversion done)
There is a large warehouse (ex-bakery) next door, (was a s/h shop but they
went broke) that I am trying to rent at a reasonable rate. The landlord
currently wants unreasonable rates, by local standards. (it's a small place,
15000 or so) It's perfect, solid building, big doors, concrete floors, 3
phase power (they had electric kilns) and plenty of room for even very big
systems, which I hope to specialise in, several desktop machine "museums"
around, but very few with big iron it seems.
(I'm currently looking for PDP-8, PDP-11, Vax, Prime and IBM "big stuff" in
Oz, preferably South Australia)
A Cray would be nice too, but no idea where I'd find one....
Any other big systems that list members think might be worthy of inclusion?
>I propose the Cybercafe part to raise enough
revenue to pay for the space
>but I down't really know if you could generate enough to keep out of the
Not at the moment, but it looks like it might eventually, diversity is the
key, we also do repairs and sell s/h systems.
Tea, Coffee, Lollies, drinks and ice-creams do surprisingly well too. In a
museum they'd probably do better.
Surprisingly good market for $100-200 computers, of the 386/486 variety.
People on Unemployment, Supporting Parent and Invalid Pensions can't afford
to buy $1500 new computers, and typically just want to play a few games and
do a little word processing......
if I were a little more financially
set (like after winning a lottery),
Now that would help, I'd buy the whole damn place off this guy, $100k would
buy my shop, the attached house, and the bakery complex.....
Seriously, I think your concept is good, biggest headache is floor space, my
bet is that you need to set up in a smaller place, a country town, not too
far from a big city, but where the rents for warehouse space don't look like
the NASA budget. I suspect this is why most museums I've seen/heard of
concentrate on desktop stuff, they don't need a huge area to house it.
Geoff Roberts
Computer Systems Manager
Saint Mark's College
Port Pirie, South Australia.
Email: geoffrob(a)stmarks.pp.catholic.edu.au
ICQ #: 1970476
Phone: 61-8-8633-8834
Mobile: 61-411-623-978
Fax: 61-8-8633-0104