On Tue, 21 Jun 2011 12:26:38 -0400, Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at gmail.com>
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Dave Caroline
<dave.thearchivist at gmail.com> wrote:
If you are of a certain age and live in Britain
you would know bog
paper could be VERY strong.
Dunno if it's the era you are referring to, but I spent the summer of
1985 in Britain and remember the bog paper as being quite stout. I
can imagine it surviving the rollers and printhead of an ASR-33 (not
sure if it would have buckled enough to snag a dot matrix head or
Izal Medicated :-) Does that stuff still exist? Designed to be as
non-absorbent as possible. The difference between using that stuff and a
piece of wood was not noticeable. It would probably work quite well as a
replacement for roof slates.