On 2/11/07, Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
As many of you know, I am a member of HPCC (Handheld and Portable
Computer Club), a UK user group for HP calculators, etc. This group
publishes a magazine called 'Datafile'.
Anyway, I have been persuaded to write a few articles for said magazine.
The current issue contains one explaining how to cure that well-known
hardeneed grease problem in the Sony full-height 3.5" disk drive. I've
illustrated the article with a number of photos showning the stages in
dismantling said drirve.
As yoy also know, I don't haev a digital camera, but the company who
processed the film put scans of the photos onto a CD-ROM for me, I
believe as JPEG files, about 2.5Mpixels. Although the results printed in
the magazine were excellent, they were necessarily small, and both the
editor and I feel it would be a good idea to make the article(s)
available on the web with full-sized images.
The reason I put OT? im the subject line is that said articles may not be
classic _computing_. I think I'll only be writing about stuff more than
10 years old, mostly HP (but maybe the odd machine from Sharp, TI, etc).
And mostly calcualtors and handheld computers (the last bit is why you
might not consider it to be classic computing).
Can anyone help by suggesting a site that might host said articles? If
so, I'll put you in touch with the magazine editor.
Thanks in advance
I can host the articles for you if you'd like :-) ...the url will be
esc69.midphase.com/~moiress/yourfolderhere/ and I have 7GB of disk space
availible for use and unlimited bandwidth...lemme know if you're interested