From: Ethan Dicks <erd(a)>
Subject: Re: Vacation Finds...
> Have been on vacation since Friday and still have a couple days to
> go... From the thrift store outlook in the area things are improving
> again (I guess people are starting their pre-spring cleaning)
> What I passed up on...
> PET 8032, 4040 dual drive.
Agggggh! I'd *love* to replace my long-lost 8032.
Anyway, rambling aside, where are you on vacation and is the PET still there?
That was in Modesto, CA, (My vacation this time is closer to home). I
think the proboability of those units being there are good (since most
of the local 'thrifters' snag the IBM, Mac, and Amiga machines that show
up). I would have gotten them myself but those PETs take up alot of
shelf-space (which is limited for me cause I have several PETs already),
and I was pretending to be strong (of course if it were an original PET,
an 8x50 dual drive or a B-128 it would have been bought. :) That chain
of thrift stores (they call themselves Thrift Center Thrift Stores) are
interesting, on Wednesdays and Saturdays they have 1/2 price days and
with their sometimes low prices you can pick up some really inexpensive
hardware, they also strangely have been a good source for Atari 800s.
Yesterday on our travels, we took off to Sacramento (California's
state capitol) and discovered in our wanderings SEVERAL THRIFT STORES
(Many within a square mile on just one street.) But given the time we
didn't stop, *sigh*, but we now know where to look next time. We did
stop at a warehouse sized used book store (on Power Inn Road) most of
the stuff is discontinued school texts, some assorted stuff... Not much
computer book pickings there unless you have an IBM, Apple II, or a Mac
(finding quality older computer books almost the most challenging task
only after finding software.)
Been wandering the valley for most of this last week and plan to rest
out at least today and possibly tomorrow before work on Monday.
Larry Anderson
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