At 03:45 PM 11/30/02 +1100, you wrote:
Hi guys!,
Go easy on me, I'm new here and don't know the ropes yet :S
I have an old Intel RMX Sys86/330 system (white cabinet)which I'd got
working a few years back, but has fallen over again.
Holy Shit! I just scrapped four of those things. I bought them (minus hard drives :-(
but could never find any info, docs or software for them so I finally gave up and stripped
them and saved the cards for my other Multibus systems.
All I'm really interested in is getting the data (mostly ASM source)on the
hard drive onto a PC. I also have boxes full (heaps!) of 8" floppies for
this system that I'd like to get the data off and over to a PC.
I've searched classiccmp archives and google and can't find quite what I'm
after, though I did find ppl trying to run 3.5" and 5.25" fdd's on 8"
What I'd like to be able to do is connect my 8" HDD to a PC and D/L all the
data directly - likewise with the 8" FDD. Am I wasting my time, or is this
possible? Making interfaces / electronics is no problem, and I have all the
gear like CRO, logic probe, etc.
What kind of format are the disks? Intel used a odd double density format on their MDS
machines and NOTHING else will read them. I and several others on this list have working
MDSs that should be able to read the disks if they in the MDS single or double density
format but the 86/330 is a lot newer and may use a more modern format.
Hard drive is -
Priam Model 3450-10
8" HDD
Floppy disk drive is -
Mitsubishi Model M2894-63D June 83
8" FDD
The ones that I stripped all used Shugart drives. IIRC they were 801s.
I believe this is DSDD based on some of the disks I
Any help would be appreciated
Grant Mc :o)
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