From: Jacob
I'm getting all zeroes nearly any time
there's supposed to be a large
number output to my terminal.
It sounds like the CPU may be too broken to run diagnostics. Why don't you
try writing some small programs to test various bits and pieces of the CPU
(e.g. add instructions, etc), and toggle them in, and try and find what's
busted that way? (Although for 'add', if the thing's that broken, I'm
it even boots.)
Here's an example:
It's probably too long to toggle in, but you could steal pieces from it
and try them.
I'd probably try out the shift and multiply instruction to start with; trying
to figure out what's probably not used during booting, but could be used
during number printing, those are two good bets.
Anyway, there's no point to running diagnostics until you get that first
problem fixed.
If it comes as far as booting RSX as well as XXDP, there can't be
anything seriously wrong with the CPU...
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol