On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Kai Kaltenbach wrote:
Come to think of it, there were 3 Lobo TRS-80
clones... the LNW-80 (Mod 1
clone), PMC-80 (Mod 1 clone with built-in tape drive
and plastic case like a
Sorcerer), and MAX-80 (Mod 3 clone)
I'll probably list all 3 on one line.
Thanks for the heads up
Very close, BUT, . . .
They were NOT all Lobo. Neither LNW nor PMC were affiliated with Lobo
(aka LSI, etc.)
LNW was LNW Research, Inc.
I recently parted with my PMC 81? (with expansion interface, no built-in
cassette), to a more appreciative home. Maybe he'll describe it.