I happened to notice an advert in a UK newspaper
'The PC is not supplied with a monitor. However
the necessary
cables/connections to use your TV as a display are included'
So it appears that using a TV as a computer display is
alive and well in
the UK. Mind you, IMHO trying to view Windows (and I am sure that's the
OS that came with this machine) on the average TV screen would make it
even more unpleasant than usual.
Well... are you shure they did say 'TV', and
not Multimediadisplayterminalsetwhatever ?
And of course modern TV-sets are not just TV-sets :)
(Serious: If conected wia RGB/SCART, a mid to high
class TV can be as good as any cheap CRT - especialy
when using only 800x600 alike resolutions - or even
a possible, better adapted resolution)
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