---- On Sat, 15 Dec 2001, Robert Schaefer
(rschaefe(a)gcfn.org) wrote:
> > I'd also include Geeks who program any
machine that could
> > kill someone
> That has been documented. I believe the
machine in question was
> the Thorac and it irradiated two people
to death. I'm too sleepy to
> search on Google right now or I'd
provide more information.
I watched this, too. Seems if they edited
one blank, went down and
in another, then went back up and changes
the prevoius blank, it would
ignore the intensity settings and jsut go
straight to glow-in-the-dark.
Hell of a way to buy it.
Jeffrey S. Sharp
And it's a classic PDP11 driving the whole
thing with RT11... I remember the lawsuit
and DEC's saying we can't comment on it.
The code for the application was less than
operator fail safe... Hell, less than