Two ICT 1301 Mainframes, one operational, the other dismantled but
Kersqueeble, or words to that effect! That rather makes my collection
look trivial...
Also collect classic cars and hoard all sorts of
interesting junk
because its easier than selling it (e.g. never sold a car).
I've not got into cars yet (one day I must learn to operate one...), so I
restrict that part of the hobby to collecting official workshop manuals
for cars I'd like to own. Darn it, I collect service information for just
about _anything_.
I also have a reasonable collection of classic cameras. As in old,
totally mechanical things.
Anyway, here's a reasonably-complete list of my computer collection.
DEC PDP11/05 (or is it 11/10), 8K core
DEC GT40, VR17 display, lightpen (no keyboard)
DEC PDP11/34's, MOS memory, programmers panel (3 off)
DEC PDP11/44, 768K MOS memory, FPP
DEC PDP11/45, 124K memory, Qbus expansion, RK05, RL01, RL02, RK07 (2 off
each), RX02, RK11-C, Solartron tape reader, EMI7000 magtape, etc
DEC PDP11/03, expansion box, RKV11-D
DEC PDP11/03, Lab I/O, etc
DEC MINC-03 + 2 RL01 drives, KW, DI(2), DO(2), AD, AA modules
DEC MINC-23 + RX02, KW (2), DI, DO, AD, AA, TP, AG modules
DEC SBC21 in BA11-V box (York Box PROMs + PLA)
DEC PDP8/e + TU56 + RX01 + PC04 + RK8e controller
DEC PDP8/a + RL8 + RK8 controllers
DEC VAX 11/730 + R80 + TS05 magtape.
Philips P850, 2K core, Trend papertape, IEEE488 interface
Philips P851, 32K MOS, double 8" floppy drive
Philips P854, 64K MOS, double 8" floppy drive, hard disk interface
HP 2100A CPU + papertape reader + 'RK05-like' cartridge drive
Tektronix 8530 development system
Tektronix 8550 development system
Computer Automation Naked Mini (missing PSU)
Data General Nova 1210 (missing frontpanel)
Parallel Computers
AMT DAP 500 (1024 processors), PSU fault
Assorted INMOS TRAMs (Computer, SCSI, GPIB, Ethernet, etc). B004, B008, B020
INMOS ITEM (5 off B001 cards) + spares
PERQ 1, 4K CPU, 1M RAM, 24Mbyte hard disk
PERQ 2T1, 16K CPU, 2M RAM, OIO-2, Canon CX printer, V80 printer, Dylon
Magtape, Archive Sidewinder, portrait monitor
PERQ 2T4, 4M RAM, landscape monitor (with EHT fault?)
PERQ 3a, 2M RAM, 100Mbyte hard disk, mono display
Apollo DN3500 + 20Mbyte RAM + ESDI disks + spare cards.
Sun 3/260, FPA, SCSI, SMD, QIC24 tape drive (no disks)
HP 9000/340, 16Mbyte RAM, 6plane framebuffer (5 off)
HP/ Apollo 9000/425 + external graphics box + spare mainboards/CPUs
Torch XXX (3 off), slimring, quinring, mussel (68020) board, etc
WCW MG1 motherboard + Ramcards + PSU
WCW MG1, ramcards, keyboard, mouse, monitor, IBM expansion backplane.
WCW Hitech 10 motherboard + CPU boards + video boards + RAM
WCW Hitech 20 in PC tower case
Xerox Daybreak 83D + mono monitor (missing keyboard/mouse)
Acorn Cambridge Workstation
Micros - 12 bit or higher
IBM PC (3 off)
IBM PC/XT (2 off, 1 with expansion cabinet)
IBM PC/AT (with 486 kludgeboard,etc)
IBM PortablePC
IBM PC/XT Model 286
AES PC/AT clone
Philips/Corona Data Systems XT clone
HP150-II touchscreenPC, 3 off hard disk units, 2 off tape drives
HP9825 + 8" drive + IEEE cartridge + RS232 cartridge etc
HP9836, 2 drives, 1 Mbyte RAM, RS232, 2* GPIO, HPIB cards.
HP9845 + mono monitor, I/O expansion chassis, I/O modules, ROMs
HP Portable+ (2 off, one with video interface)
Apricot PC, 960K RAM, expansion cards
FTS Model 88 workstation + 2 8" floppies
Zilog S8000/30 Z8000-based unix machine
Atari 520 STFM, external drive
CBM Amiga 600 (faulty?)
Sage 2, 512K RAM, 2 drives
DEC Rainbow, RAMcard, Colorcard, HDC, VR201 monitor, LK201 keyboard (2 off)
DEC Pro350 (2 off), assorted cards (including ethernet and realtime I/O)
DEC Pro380
DECMate II, VR201, LK201
Sinclair QL, homebrew keyboard.
Sanyo MBC555, mono monitor, keyboard
Apple Macintosh Plus, keyboard, no mouse (2off)
Apple Macintosh LC, keyboard (no mouse or monitor)
Acorn A310, Monitor
Acorn A3000, mouse
IBM Risc6000 Model 220
Panasonic luggable PC
Sharp 8086 PC (not IBM compatable)
Sirius 1
Amstrad PC2086 + PC14HRCD/O monitor
Amstrad PPC640DD portable PC + TV interface
Micros - 8 bit
CBM PET 8032SK + 8050 drive + printers
CBM 64 + 1541 drive
CBM 128
CBM P500 + 8250LP drive
TRS-80 Model 1 (level 2 16K RAM) + Expansion Interface (32K RAM) + drive
TRS-80 Model 1 (Model 3 basic, 48K RAM!), keyboard unit only
TRS-80 Model 3, 48K RAM, 2 drives, RS232
TRS-80 Model 4, 128K RAM, 4 internal drives, RS232
TRS-80 CoCo 2, 64K RAM (4 off)
TRS-80 CoCo 3, 512K RAM, 2 drives, RS232, Sound cartridge, etc
TRS-80 Model 100, 32K RAM
Acorn Atom (3 off), Econet, etc
Acorn System 4, 6502 CPU, 40 col VDU, 56K RAM, keyboard, 2 drives, econet
Acorn System 5, 6809 CPU, 80 col VDU, 56K RAM, non-original keyboard, 2
Acorn BBC Micro (6 off), econet, 8271 FDC, etc
Acorn BBC Micro + Torch SCSI hard disk unit
Acorn BBC Micro + Aries B32 RAM board
Acorn 6502 second processor
Acorn Z80 second processor
Acorn ARM1 Evaluation System (BBC Second Processor)
Torch Graduate 8088 second processor for BBC micro
Torch Z80 card for BBC micro + ROM
Tatung Einstein
Apple ][ europlus + 4 drives + language card + 6809 + serial card etc
Apple //e
HH Tiger, 64K + 8K + 96K RAM, spare keyboard PCB, CPU only
Vectrex video game + homebrew cartridges + homebrew lightpen
HP85 (3 off) + HPIB module + RS232 module + ROM drawer + 16K RAM drawer
HP86B(3 off) + 9121 drive (3 off) + Monitor
Oric 1 + spare keyboard PCB
Oric Atmos + 2 3" drives + printer
Sinclair MK14 (faulty, alas), 256 bytes RAM, homebrew I/O mods
Sinclair ZX81 + 3rd party 16K RAMpack
Sinclair Spectrum 48K
SGS Nanocomputer, keypad + spare CPU board
'PE Microcontroller' 6800 system + keypad + display + PSU
Hewart Mini-6800 + RAMcard + microprinter + PSU
Diamond word processor system + 2 8" drives
CCS S100 system + cards
CASU Super C S100 system, 64K RAM, Persci twin drive, etc
Epson QX10 + video card + monitor + keyboard + spare CPU box
Epson HX20 (5 off), cassette, TF20 floppy drive.
Epson PX4 + RAM cartridge
Epson PX8 + PF10 3.5" drive (63X03 faulty)
Atari 400 (missing keyboard),PSU
Jupiter ACE, 16K Rampack, PSU
Grundy Newbrain AD + PSU
Intel Intellec MCS8i, paper tape interface, 1702 programmer
Intel MDS800, UPP, 2 8" drives, 8080 ICE
GR Futuredata Z80 development system.
Exidy Sorcerer, S100 expansion rack
NEC PC8001, expansion unit
Olivetti M10 portable
RML380Z, 2 internal drives, Hires card, RGB output, keyboard
RML480Z, internal expansion card
Zenith Z-90 + Z87 external drive unit (hard and soft sector controllers)
Philips P5020 word processor, keyboard
Gemini Galaxy 2, keyboard, monitor
Graphics Systems
Ramtek Marquis 9460 (cardcage only), Unibus interface
Grinnel Systems PDP11 framestore
PPL Model 121 video hard disk + control
PPL PDP11 framestore, Unibus Interface, trackball
I2S Model 70/E image processor, 2 RAM crates, trackball, tablet
I2S Model 70/F4 image processor, trackball
I2S Model 75 image processor, trackball, tablet, Barco CDCT 2/51 monitor
Evans and Sutherland PS/390 image display, tablet, twidlebox, keyboard,
PAL encoder, 3D imager
HP1350 Graphics translator (2 off), HP1311A monitor
Tektronix 4006 graphics terminal
Peripherals, etc
Teletype Model ASR33, large box of spares
Data Dynamics Model 390 (ASR33)
Creed 7E
Creed 444 (missing reader drive belt), control unit.
Friden Flexowriter
Teleprinter Unit 4 (line termination unit)
Sanders 12/7 varioprinter
Sanders 700 hi-res dot matrix printer
DEC LA210 printer
DEC LA324 printer
DEC LA100 printer (4 off)
Trend HSR500P paper tape reader
Trend UDR700 reader
Facit 4070 paper tape punch (2 off)
Cipher F880E magtape drive
Facit 4028 cassette drive
Teletype KSR43 (2 off)
Elliot High Speed paper tape reader
DRI model 30 cartridge disk (2 off) + PSU
Data Dynamics 1133 paper tape punch
Teletype BPRE high speed punch (2 off)
DEC VT100 video terminal (3 off)
DEC VT105 video terminal with graph option
DEC VT55 video terminal, printer
Beehive video terminal, hebrew option
Volker-Craig model 414 terminal, APL option
Philips videotext system, keypad
Philips videotext system, QWERTY keyboard, printer (2 off)
Modem 2B (2 off)
Modem 1200A
Modem 13A
Anderson-Jacobson Acoustic coupler
HP7225 plotter (2 off)
HP7245 plotter/printer
Toyo/Sanyo colour video printer + spares
ICL Termiprinter (2 off, different versions)
Torch lightpen for the BBC micro
Trend 860 series portable terminal
HP9100B (2 off), magcards
HP9815 (early version CPU board, very dead :-()
HP9815 (late version CPU board)
HP67 (2 off), cards
HP41C (with bug 1)
HP41CV (a lot), card reader, wand, printer (printhead problems), IL module
HP41CX (3 off)
Many HP41 modules (including ZenROM, ZEEPROM), MLDL, etc
HP71B (5 off), HPIL module (5 off), 32K Ram module, Forth ROM, Maths ROM,
Datacoms ROM, Circuit ROM, Curve fitting ROM, finance ROM, 41
tranlastor ROM, Zenwand, card reader, IL printer, IL tape drive, IL disk
HP75C, cards, Visicalc, I/O ROM, text formatter ROM
HP28C, RS232 output interface (homebrew)
HP48SX, IR interface (Homebrew), I2C interface (homebrew)
HP82163 video display interface
HP82164 RS232 interface
HP82165 GPIO interface
HP82169 HPIB interface
Novus Mathematician
Casio AL1000
Casio AL2000
Sharp PC1211, cassette interface, printer
Sharp PC1350 + RS232 interface + 8K and 16K RAM cards
Sharp PC1500, plotter, RS232/centronics i/f, RS232/ADC i/f, tapes (I/O
Tandy PC4, printer, cassette interfce
Tandy PC6
Tandy PC7
Casio FX730 + Cassette Interface
Sinclair Cambridge Universal
IME Model 26 calculator
HP9810 (2 off)
HP9830 + HP9866 printer
Microwriter MW4
Microwriter Agenda
Test Equipment
Tektronix 551, K and L plugins (EHT fault?)
Tektronix 555, 1A1, 1S1, P, M, 1A5, etc
Solartron CD1400 scope, delayed timebase
Tektronix 5110 'scope (2 off), assorted plugins
Tektronix 561 'scope, 3S2, 3T2 plugins (no sampling heads)
Gould K100D logic analyser,homebrew pod
HP LogicDart
HP3421 Data Acquisition unit + HPIB interface
Tektronix 835 datacoms analyser
Trend 1/4 datacoms test set
ATE TDMS5 Teleprinter test set
'Tester Distortion and Margin' teleprinter tester
Fluke 2240 data logger, paper tape output card, hires ADC
Solartron DTU, clock, controller, interface, papertape card, keypad, etc
(2 0ff)
Solartron LM1420.2 DVM
HP5243 10MHz counter + 100MHz mixer plugin
HP5245 50MHz counter + 350MHz prescaler, time interval plugin, 3Ghz mixer
Blackburn Instruments DVM (entirely valved!)
AVO valve characteristic meter Mk4
Mullard high-speed valve tester, cards
Taylor valve tester