Fancy font was a wonderful program, I wrote and formatted an
80+ page book [Programming Autocad] in the early 80's using it
running on an SD systems S100 Z80 system running MP/M before moving to
a 5 slot PC.
Are there any SD system people lurking here ?
The first time I saw HTML I remarked to a coworker that it had to have been based
on fancy font. Does anyone know, was there a connection between them ?
Thanks for the flash back...
Bob Bradlee
On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 08:14:12 -0800 (PST), Al Hartman wrote:
Anyone ever use this?
That ad for the Zebra Disk System a few posts back,
was done on an Imsai Computer using CP/M 2.2 with a
Z80 Board in it.
I processed the text using WordStar and put in
commands VERY similar to HTML to output text to an
FX-80 F/T Printer with a program called Fancy Font...
Which I guess would be called a RIP, but it wasn't
Later, we moved to the IBM PC Version of this program
I ran on either an Eagle XT Clone, or an XT Clone I
was using.
Further on... I was using an Atari-ST Upgraded to
2.5mb with a Magic Sac Cartridge (Mac 512 Emulator) a
20mb Atari Disk Drive, and Epstart to get my Epson
FX-80 F/T to emulate an Imagewriter using Adobe Type
Manager for better font handling.
THOSE were the days... When squeezing "Letter
out of old Dot Matrix Printers was FUN!!!
I remember drooling over Don Lancaster's articles
married an Apple Laserwriter Controller Board to an HP
LaserJet. I ALWAYS wanted one of those. Never did it.
Now, I have SEVERAL LaserJet IIIP printers, the Adobe
Postscript Cartridge AND the Pacific Page Cartridge.
Neither of which seem to work well with Windows XP or
MacOS X.
Oh well...
BTW... Anyone got an AST SixPak Plus they are willing
to part with? I built an XT for old times sake, but it
only has 256k.
I have to find one of those controller cards that will
support a 1.44mb FDD also... Maybe at the Trenton
Computer Festival next spring...
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