On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 10:17:46AM -0500, Doc wrote:
On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, John Allain wrote:
I encoded some family geneology into set of frame
pages once. It turned out to be something line 600 small html
files, 300 KBytes or so. When I went to put it on a floppy, it
took over 30 Minutes to write!
OK. This is completely off topic, but it has bugged me for years.
You guys are more likely to know, and care, than any other forum I hang
in. I use a Linux PC as my daily workstation, file server, DNS, MOP
server, etc. Given hardware limitations, it's stable enough.
I can start a lowlevel format on a floppy, go and surf the net, read
my email, compile software, or play a game while (45-75 secs) that
Do that in Win<anyversion> on the same hardware, and I might as well
go make coffee. Same comparison applies to printing large documents.
WHAT is M$ doing that operating a floppy disk drive takes ALL of a
1.4GHz CPU and 512M of memory? I wanna know!
I remember this behaviour from Windows 3.1 - format a floppy and you
might as well go grab a book. Enter OS/2: start formatting a floppy and
do something else on the machine until it is done (which didn't take
long). I suppose that:
- since Windows 3.1 couldn't do real (preemptive) multitasking (only
cooperative), it basically stopped everything else,
- this code was carried through to whatever flavour of Windows is sold
currently (hell, I had system error boxes with the Windows 3.1 widget
set pop up at me on some lusers Win9X machines),
Fortunately for me, I first switched from Windows 3.1 to OS/2 (Warp 3 at
the time, still have the red box around somewhere) and from that to Linux,
currently using only $UNIX (of several flavors) for my own needs and
touching Windows only when paid to do so and absolutely unavoidable.
I regularly marvel at some of more the boneheaded things Windows does - if
one were to write a dedicated sabotage program, one couldn't do better.
We're gonna be body guards for teen rock-stars. Wouldn't the cause of freedom
be better served if we killed them instead?
-- Schlock from the ''Schlock Mercenary'' comic