Thanks, but I wasn't satisfied. Since then
I've moved on to other looks.
What I need to know is this:
Should the ClassicCmp web site look new/fancy or retro/simple?
In a way, I want to have a simple/retro look.
Recent ideas I've had include this one (semi-fancy):
and this one (retro):
I say retro/simple. I don't like new/fancy as such layouts tend to get in
the way of usability.
Having looked at all three, I rather like the current, but think it would
look better without the busy graphic below the black CLASSICCMP line. Of
the other two, I prefer the 'retro' one, but would recommend white instead
of pale green.
One thing I like is a page that simple and looks/works good under both
Netscape/Mozilla/IE, and Lynx. For example my DEC Emulation site works just
fine under Netscape/Mozilla/IE, and works pretty good under Lynx. It's also a very low bandwidth
site in that it is pretty basic HTML, with almost no graphics.