I have been
looking everywhere on the net for
development information
for this old Panasonic Handheld (HHC RL H-1400).
I have basic
information but I'm specifically looking for
information that will allow me
to write a program in assembly language and run
a ROM installed in
the back.
If you find that out, I think a lot of us would like
to know as well ^^
If yours is one of the New York Life preprogrammed
ones (mine is and has their
ROM), you may be able to dump it. I haven't tried
doing this yet since my
EPROMmer/reader is sitting in a box in my storage
shed and I haven't yet
got around to digging it out. There is a little red
flag waving in my head
that the pinout is not standard and that the address
lines were intentionally
farked up, but I'm not sure if I'm confusing this
with something else.
No one has ever been able to find one of the BASIC
ROMs, let alone one of
the FORTH ROMs, yet either.
---------------------------------- personal:
http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif.,
USA * ckaiser(a)floodgap.com
-- Specialization is for insects. -- Robert Heinlein
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