Hi folks. This is very much off-topic, but I know several people here use
this sort of stuff either at home or at work.
I've picked up one of the Prologix GPIB-ETHERNET bridge boxes, and I've
been writing an instrument control library in the R language to control
GPIB-interfaced instruments via the Prologix unit. I've been writing
instrument drivers like a madman; these are the ones I have working so far:
HP 3325A synthesized function generator
HP 3458A 8.5-digit multimeter
HP 54111D digitizing oscilloscope
HP 70900A spectrum analyzer
HP 8505A RF network analyzer
HP E1406A and E1301A VXI command modules
E1411B VXI digital multimeter
E1416A VXI RF power meter
E1445A VXI arbitrary waveform/function generator
Racal 3271 VXI RF signal generator
This is amazingly powerful stuff when combined with the mathematical,
statistical, and graphical plotting capabilities of R. I've started a
mailing list for discussions amongst people using the Prologix units (not
restricted to my work with R), and our efforts to get them running with
different instruments. If you're interested in that stuff and want to be put
on that list, drop me a note privately and I'll add you.
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA
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