Mark game me this board because he didn't know what
it was, and he wasn't
interested in it. If it is what I think it is, it's probably pretty rare.
It has 4 large Xlinx chips on it, a smaller Xlinx chip, a MC68020, and a lot
of glue logic. It's made by Micro Technology, Inc, copyrighted 1990, and the
sticker reads "CIQBA +". The only connector coming off the board is a small
10-pin connector like the one on a DLV11J. It looks like it's a Q-Bus
CI (Computer Interconnect) board, Is this right?
Yes, it is.
Anyone have more info
on this? Web search turned up nothing useful...
Simply put, you plug the board into your Q-bus VAX, cable it
to your HSC/HSD/HSZ/star coupler, install MTI's PQDRIVER,
set up the MTI and VAXCLUSTER license PAKs, and you're on the air!
If you don't have a HSC/HSD/HSZ/star coupler, you don't have much need
for the CIQBA, do you? :-)