At a garage sale recently I bought what I thought was a 'complete with
software' Commodore 64 system. When I got it home (two printers, two
disk drives, C64 system, cables, etc.) I discovered that all the
colorful printed software boxes were EMPTY. Well, some have inserts and
what-not, but there was not a SINGLE diskette with software in any of
Someone obviously grabbed the disks to use for some other purpose, or
they were all in a case that was lost or thrown away.
Anyhow, I am going on the notion that there are probably Commodore
collectors who would like to get these boxes anyways. There are a
mixture of different boxes for various things, games and what-not. It
will be relatively inexpensive to ship them since it's all empty boxes.
First respondent who shows interested in these gets them for the cost of
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The software boxes appear to be claimed.