Pontus Pihlgren <pontus at Update.UU.SE> wrote:
(Sorry for keeping this OT discussion continue, but
one of my questions
are vaguely on topic)
This will definitely go back to on-topic... :-)
> These
people think it's efficient to run a copy of Windows 2003 on a
> server (which needs a couple of gig of RAM to work well) and then run
> multiple VMs on that containing copies of Windows 2003 or other
> flavours of Windows. They think virtualisation is new and clever and
> it doesn't occur to them that not only is this wasteful of resources,
> but it's a nightmare to keep all those copies patched and current.
I'm curious, what OS:es and software did virtualisation before
VMware/XEN/Virtualbox and the like ?
The most famous would be OS/VM, I guess. IBM did that already in the 70s
(or was it even the 60s?).
There are an OS for the PDP-8 (put on the net by me, on ftp.update years
ago actually) called MULTOS-8, which creates a number of virtual PDP-8s.
Each normally boots and runs OS/8.
Also, why is it wasteful of resources?
There is always overhead involved.
And finaly, why would keeping virtual installations up
to date be any
harder than non-virtual?
Harder to keep track of all the virtual machines you (might) have?
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol