LARTed with a tesla coil, right? So how do you propose using a pc in
a building without three-prong sockets?
I do, and if I catch anyone removing safety earth
connections in my
workshop, they will be LARTed. I am serious. I've worked enough with
mains to know how dangerous it can be.
I doubt 240 vs. 110 is much difference as far as heart muscle is
(a) If I want to commit suicide I will do :-). But I
don't want to set
booby traps in my workshop. Perhaps I'm more careful becausewe've got
mains here.
So, why have I never felt anything touching a PC case? I've done it
many times, I've touched insides many times, and I've never felt so
much as a tingle. Would I be able to use a VOM to find this voltage?
Right, an explanation. The 'Earth' wire goes to the metal PC case, and
also to the thrid pin of the plug. 'Neutral' is connected to earth at
main distribution board (US), last distribution
transformer (UK), and
effectively earth. And live is 110V (or 240V) above
Now, the 2 capacitors on the left form a capacitive potential divider.
if the earth wire is not bonded to ground, then the
midpoint of that is
going to be at half mains voltage - 55V (or 120V) wrt neutral, which is
efectively local earth. That means the case of the PC - the external
case - is at that voltage wrt local earth. Now the
capacitor values
_should_ limit the available current, but I'd not bet on it. Also, the
capacitors should be a special safety type which are unable to fail
shorted (I forget the type - it's either class X or class Y), but I've
seen plenty of cheap-n-nasty PSUs with just 600V capacitors in this
position. If I spot them like that, they get replaced, BTW.
And that's what I'm going on about. Not that the keyboard was live, but
that the metal case of the PC had a significant voltage wrt local
Normally you'd not notice it - the front panel is
probably plastic, so
are the floppy drives, etc. But reach round the back to plug in the
keyboard cable, touch the back of the case, and zap!
like mine, it's very difficult to maintain
wiring and even talk about
sometime...I'm very lax with safety
precautions. There is no way the
I am not fanatical about safety - I do plenty of things that can be
considered dangerous. I use machine tools, I change CRTs, I work on
30kV supplies, I work on mains, I repair SMPSUs, I even work on live
equipment if necessary. And yes I defeat safety interlocks if there's a
good reason for so doing, and I know what the consequences are. But
no way you'll catch me removing an earth connection
without a _very_
boy could have electrocuted himself with any
modern keyboard I know
of, since it's mostly impossible to get to the components inside them
w/o taking the thing apart. An XT keyboard, OTOH, is metal which
The backplate of an XT keyboard is connected to the body of the DIN
If that's live for any reason, then there's
something seriously wrong -
see above.
could kill someone if the keyboard is damaged or
plugged into the
There is no voltage on a keyboard connector that can kill - at least
if the rest of the PC is correctly wired. I'd touch
any component in a
working XT keyboard and I'd live to tell the tale.
wrong place. More likely is that he touched a bad
power cable with
hand. If the PC got moved and the keyboard got unplugged, it could
undo any cables spliced together w/scotch tape (another of my bad
Argh!!! I prefer to use proper cable joined with proper connectors -
insulation and strain reliefs.
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