Had a pretty good week getting more items for the museum, from ebay I go
Newton messagepad model H1000 with all the manuals, stickers, video, and
other items that came with it when new; a Magic Mike II Robot from 1984
model-8; from ebay a Mac Portable with carrying case not working at this
time, put in new batteries and still nothing;two items I got at police
auction Saturday Mac PowerBook Duo230 and Duo Dock, and A US Robotics pilot
5000 missing a few item but powers on these are not 10 years old yet but I
got them anyway as they will be someday;HP 4940A Transmission Impairment
unit, SUN 3/50 loaded; HP98785A monitor not tested ($5); early Mac mouse
M0100; Mac Plus manuals;HP 150 model 45611A; Apple RGB model A9M0308 used
with IIe or IIgs a odd shaped model; Time-Life The Personal Computer book
with lots of nice pictures of classic units; also their Computer Basics
book; HP 100/Personal Card file manual; HP 150 Terminal Users guide; HP
Personal Computer Owners guide; IBM PC an Introduction by Larry Joel
Goldstein and Martin Goldstein 1984; Making the Most of Your ZX81 by Tim
Hartnell 1981; The ZX81 Companion by Robert Maunder 1981; 49 Explossive
Games fo the ZX81 by Tim Hartnell 1981; Microcomputer Experimentation with
the Intel SDK-85 by Lance Leventhal and Colin Walsh 1980;Socrates KB not
tested yet; AT&T 6300 mono monitor; a complete set of manuals for the 6300;
Commodore Buyers guide; Atari Logo reference manual; MAI systen cartridges;
Daynafile guide and diskettes; Timex Sinclair 1016 memory module; Sinclair
ZX81 basic programming manual; Commodore 1541C users guide; Sorates voice
cartridge users manual 1988; Upgrading and repairing PC's by QUE 1988;
HP87; and many other items that do not meet the 10 year rule but the prices
were right get them now and hold until they do. Well that's my short list
so Keep Computing John
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