I used to repair tempested Zenith Inteq 248 machines in the late
1980's. As mentioned earlier, the 16 bit boards were all isolated in
the chassis and had cables run through a dead space to the external
connectors. All boards have rfi suppression coils built in and of
course there is a rfi suppression braid gasket running the entire
circumference of the main system unit, if I recall there were about
thirty-six to forty screws holding the cover on. The keyboard was
tempested as well as the color monitor, both of these being very heavy
in comparison to a untempested Z-248 system. I ran service calls out
at the Vint Hill Farms Army base (near Warrenton, Virginia) to service
these and always found it strange to have a tempested unit in a
shielded building in a bank vault. Yes they used Syquest 10MB
removeable disks. Also, whenever we had one of these units in our shop
for repair (off base), prior to it being placed back in service,
security would use an rfi sniffer prior to acceptance to ensure there
was no leakage. I found a complete Zenith Inteq 248 with tempested
color monitor and keyboard at a church sale a few years ago. I
regretfully broke the rfi qa seal on the system unit and removed the
cmos battery (AA lithium) as I was afraid it would leak and damage the
system unit as I was tucking it away (until I find space to display
it). When I broke the seal, I documented the date and reason why and
placed this note inside the system unit so as to document its history.
The system booted fine. Built like a tank.
Marty Mintzell
______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: Zenith Inteq
Author: classiccmp(a) at internet
Date: 2/26/98 11:08 PM
Doug Yowza wrote:
On Thu, 26 Feb 1998, Mike Allison wrote:
> My experience with these "TEMPEST" machines is that it's usually best
> swap out all the parts (great difficulty at times) and use the AT parts
> in another box. The box is heavy and, as you stated, designed to
> firewall the parts from the actual physical ports. There are good parts
> on them however, disk drives, scsi connectors, video cards, mother
> boards, memboards, that would work nice in another box and be easier
> (read that cheaper) to mail.
"TEMPEST" standards are there to afford proper sheilding to prevent
radiations/emmisions fromt he machine when it's being used for security
information. The thicker covers, ground braids and multiple screws in the
covers make it better sealed and there should be no emmisions over 12 inches
from the machine, or none at all ideally. Other than the power supply being a
class A type, the rest is normal but may have been refitted with a shielded
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
Phone: (502) 756-1749 / Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
Email: rhblake(a) or rhblake(a)
* Parts/Service/Upgrades and more for MOST Computers*
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