Hello. I'd like some of yours take a time to read this document
that can be located in the URL
It's dated in 1991. It contains some amazing projects. Oh, by the way,
finally we know where goes all these old irons lost: to India. And I appoint
the convenience to try contact this guy to know if some of these projects
was completed (mainly the diskette unit for the IBM 1401, or the COBOL
compiler for this same computer).
Sergio Pedraja
(Referred to in Para 9.1.5)
Projects undertaken under Research & Development Activities.
1. System Integration Project. To integrate an optimum medium large computer
system with the processor and peripherals from various sources.
2. Add-on memory for EC-1030 system. To design and provide indigenously
additional memory to EC-1030 computer system.
3. Enhancement to computer system with Line Printer and Card Reader add-on.
4. Enhancement to computers with disk and console sub-system add-on.
5. IBM 1401 enhancement project- to provide a faster processor with a larger
memory and additional instruction set, keeping the same peripheral.
6. Add-on memory for EC-1040 computer system. To design and provide
indigenously additional memory to EC-1040 computer system.
7. Input/output controllers for low speed peripherals such as card reader
and line printer.
8. Computer enhancements with indigenous communication terminus.
9. Development of IBM 1401 simulator programme on R-1040 computer system.
10. Development of application software for gross industry application
11. Enhancement of IBM 1620 computer system. To design and develop
enhancement logic and interface hardware to attach a line printer.
12. Evaluation of Robotron Card Punch and verifier Model I.
13. Evaluation of Hindustan Teleprinter High Speed paper tape reader.
14. Evaluation of Robotron Card punch and verifier Model II.
15. Enhancement of Card Reader speed of IBM 447 Electronic Accounting
16. Enhancement of IBM 024 card punch to enable it to become 64 character
machine from 48 character machine.
17. Design and development to replace obsolete assemblies in IBM unit red
cord machines with indigenously available components.
18. Development of parts used in computer system.
19. Development of logic card test equipment.
20. Application software development on LSI-II Computer System.
21. 1620 Memory Enhancement.
22. 024/056 Logic in TTL/CMOS.
23. IBM Unit Record Machine replacement study.
24. Info Scriber
25. Special keyboards for Indian languages.
26. LSI-11 based online enquiry system directory enquiry etc.
27. Medical equipment based on micro-processors.
28. New Products like fibre optics special printers, bubbles etc.
29. Evaluation of l/D's.
30. pcb Card Repair Project.
31. Development of maintenance technique, diagnostic test equipment for
effective maintenance.
32. Mini based system for RJE and Data Entry.
33. Graphic sub system.
34. Data based application packages.
35. Interactive Data Communication application packages.
36. Special application packages.
37. Image sub system.
38. Development of interactive work station.
39. Development of Computer System using mini computer network.
40. Hybrid system integration.
41. Floppy disc interface to IBM 1401 system. To design and develop a floppy
disc interface to IBM 1401 system.
42. Development of COBOL compiler for enhancement of IBM 1401 processor.
43. Teleprinter interface job unit for mini computer.
44. Message switching system with micro processors.
45. Process control application with micro processors.
46. Communication application with micro processors and mini systems.