From: Alexis
Subject: 8-bit micro MMU's
Maybe someone can use this? I haven't looked
deeply into the MP/M II
XIOS requirements so I may have left something out that it needs so is
anyone familiar with the XIOS?
(Raises hand)
For MP/M and CP/M Plus, this is probably far too elaborate. It's my
experience that MP/M appears to be designed around the idea of a 16K
bank size.
So, for 256K, you need only to be able to select 16 banks of 16K. A
fairly common 74LS670 should do the trick.
A 74LS610 or 612 should be more than adequate for most large-scale
MP/M applications, but I understand that they're getting hard to come
by. They can sometimes be found on early 286 motherboards as the DMA
bank select register. (PC XTs and ATs have to perform bank-selection
for DMA, as they use an 8237 DMA controller model, which is limited
to 64K addressability).
I made the mistake of (just before the '610 came out) designing a
bank-select circuit for an 8085 product. It used a Fairchild 64x9
bipolar RAM (power-hungry and expensive) to give granularity of 1K
pages. With MP/M, this was overkill. 16K would have done just fine
and saved time and money.
With the slow memory chips back then, making things work with the
wretched 8202 DRAM controller was a real chore. I seem to recall
that if you ran worst-case numbers, you could wind up with the
requirement of a negative access time for the DRAM for a 5MHz 8085.
Adding bank-mapping hardware in the address path didn't improve
things any.
The comment about separating data and address space is worth
considering, but be aware that, because of deficiencies in the
instruction set and for performance and space needs, 8080 self-
modifying code is not uncommon. For example, consider the problem of
I/O to a variable port number. SHLD-ing into the operand field of an
LXI instruction to save a few cycles and bytes is also common in my
For what it's worth.