Would someone who has the PCjr King's Quest disks
tell me which files are
on which disk? (Or, if it's just one disk, what files are on it?)
Here's the 3.5" disk version of King's Quest from 1987, which
still supported the PCjr graphics. The disk is a 720k DD disk. When
it is installed to a hard disk and then run, it asks for the original
disks for verification.
Volume in drive A is KQ1 DISK 1
Directory of A:\
INSTALLH BAT 1,247 12-01-87 12:19p
_INSTALL BAT 764 12-03-87 8:46a
SIERRA COM 3,121 12-01-87 12:20p
AGI 39,424 12-01-87 12:20p
AGIDATA OVL 8,192 12-01-87 8:49a
CGA_GRAF OVL 1,024 12-01-87 8:48a
JR_GRAF OVL 512 12-01-87 8:48a
EGA_GRAF OVL 1,024 12-01-87 8:48a
HGC_GRAF OVL 1,536 12-01-87 8:48a
VG_GRAF OVL 512 12-01-87 8:48a
IBM_OBJS OVL 512 12-01-87 8:48a
HGC_OBJS OVL 1,024 12-01-87 8:48a
MAKEPATH COM 74 04-22-87 12:05p
HGC_FONT 3,072 01-26-87 3:47p
_KQ1 BAT 39 04-07-87 2:04p
OBJECT 331 04-09-87 11:45p
WORDS TOK 3,144 03-27-87 11:15a
LOGDIR 315 05-05-87 9:02a
PICDIR 255 05-05-87 9:02a
SNDDIR 144 05-05-87 9:02a
VIEWDIR 432 05-05-87 9:02a
VOL 0 48,472 05-05-87 9:01a
VOL 1 200,630 05-05-87 9:01a
VOL 2 90,891 05-05-87 9:02a
KQ101078 QA 12 01-01-80 12:50a
KQ1SG 1 2,872 06-27-89 11:59a
26 file(s) 409,575 bytes
290,816 bytes free
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