Can anyone ID
a Digital PC based on this Model?
I *think* it's really a Venturis 5100 but I can't seem to get
anything anywhere to find anything on the model number
quoted. The owner is trying to get some ram for it, if it's a
5100 then it looks to be common or garden 16mb 72pin non parity.
Anyone able to confirm?
I'm reasonably sure you have a Venturis 5100 (five not ess).
The model number comes up in the range of products referred to as "Venturis FX".
My laptop QRL doesn't show that particular variant - it jumps from FR-A70AW to
FR-A75AW - but it should be a 100MHz Pentium, using 70ns 32bit SIMM modules. The
"inside the firewall" library (updated just this morning, 8/27/03!) also shows a
listing for 60ns EDO, but that may only work on the higher-end machines (as I recall they
went up to 200MHz).