At 07:36 PM 11/19/98 EST, you wrote:
i was talking to my manager who is just about ready to
give me a complete and
working trs80 model 1 with ALL accessories. he also said he used something
called a stringy floppy with it which used a loop of string/wire to save
with not quite the speed of floppies but certainly
faster than cassette. has
anyone seen these or can explain how they work? he said there were carts that
were put into the drive so it seems to be a removeable media device? can
anyone explain further?
Ok, consider if you will a tape cartridge loaded like a 8-track audio tape
cartridge (set the 'wayback' machine, Sherman), but in a form factor of
about 1.5 x 3 x .2 inches and you've got it.
The "Exatron Stringy Floppy" was a tape loop cartridge that had a basic
'structured' file system on it so (with the proper software) it could be
treated similar to a disk device, altho serial in nature. Don't remember
the capacity right off, but it was not a lot.
Had a friend who always thought that these were the greatest thing since
sliced bread. They were around for less than a year as I recall however...
Hope there are at least a few cartridges with it, cause you will (never
say never) have a REAL interesting time finding more...
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