<> Standard TTY test pattern.
<For _5 bit_ machines...
<> RY is the extreme opposite in the machanics of a ASR/KSR33. IF you can
<Surely you mean an ASR/KSR32 here.. It's not a particularly useful test
<in ASCII.
I'm not talking about 5/8 bit. I'm talking mechanicals. RY really bangs
the bails and bars around.
<You mean you don't have a telegraph distortion measuring set (TDMS)?
<Basically a special-purpose character/message generator and 'scope. I
<found an old one (valved) at a radio rally about 15 years ago and fell in
<love. It followed me home...
Nope no need, I have a DEC terminal test set. No valves, still old.
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As a ham, and former RTTY operator, the _sound_ of RYRYRYRY... at 45 baud
was quite distinctive, and could easily be discerned by ear, for tuning
purposes. I operated 45 baud (Baudot 5-level code, not ASCII) on HF for a
number of years in the 70s and 80s. Built my own RTTY modem too, wrote my
own software. It was quite advanced, in that I supported 110 bps ASCII,
quite leading edge at the time.
Kevin McQuiggin VE7ZD