On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, James Willing wrote:
Let us conduct a poll amongst attendees. Given the premise that
small/personal/affordable/almost inexpensive/etc. computers are new again,
and they are looking for a computer that they would like to own for
personal use (avoiding the phrase "personal computer" at all costs), what
machine (among those on display) would they select for their use.
The winner could then be designated the 'Official' VCF III "Computer for
Personal Use". (until the following year)
This is actually close to one of the judging categories we have come up
with for the VCF 3.0 exhibit: the People's Choice award. The winner of
this award will be chosen by the attendees.
BTW, the rules for the exhibit competition will be posted shortly. We're
working out the final details!
5) Balloting will be by mark-sense form ("class,
take out your #2 pencils,
and fill in the bubbles completely!"), and will be processed on
appropriately vintage equipment at Noon on Sunday.
Hey, I never thought of putting my old punch card equipment to work :)
Prizes for the winner (as if the honor of the
designation is not
sufficient) are yet to be determined. But when you get it, it's gonna be
I'm in the process of amassing a nice collection of prizes!
Additional thoughts/comments welcome! Mayhaps this
will encourage more
folks to have their gear in operation!
The intention of the exhibit is to in fact get people to participate
directly in VCF while at the same time advancing the hobby by getting
folks to really get to know more about their machines by doing the
research and preparation necessary for an exhibit.
Stay tuned, the announcement and rules for the first VCF exhibit
competition will be posted shortly!
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar(a)siconic.com
Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
Coming this October 2-3: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0!
http://www.vintage.org/vcf for details!
[Last web site update: 04/03/99]