I was trying to set up my DQ132 to work with my Overland OD3201 yesterday,
and I have a strange problem with it. No matter whether or not I change
switch 10, labeled "22 bit addressing/Extended Features" I get the error
"Extended Features Disabled, Extended Features must be enabled for device
TS:, Device Disabled" when I boot RSTS/E 9.6. It's supposed to have two
modes, TSV05, and TS11/TU80. The mode I want is the TS11/TU80 mode. How do
I accomplish this? The manual doesn't say. Anyone using one of these
Other things of note:
- I added jumpers to change the way the drives are set as an attempt to set
the modes correctly at pins J9-C to J7-A, J7-B to J8-B, and from J8-A to
J6-A. The reson for this is that my tape drive can ONLY do 1600 or 3200
bpi. It's sort of an oddball that way.
The manual is at
On page 2-5 table 2-3, I the jumper configuration I described above is the
3rd one down. Most of the info is on table 2-5 and 2-6.
There is another section on Chuck McManis' page
http://www.mcmanis.com/chuck/computers/vaxen/dq132.htm that talks about the
DQ132 and mentions jumpers needing to be removed for a Q/CD backplane. Does
the 11/23+ BA11-SE backplane qualify as Q/CD?
Any help would be appreciated!