Lance Costanzo skrev:
While IBM, HP, Dec, Intel, Microsoft, and a cast of
thousands have
been duking it out for the past 31-3/4 years, UNIX time() (ref: man 3 time)
has been steadily plodding along and has quietly ticked past 1 billion
seconds within the last day or so.
So, what other epochs are there for us to celebrate?
The Amiga's timekeeping routine starts AFAIK at 1978 (which is a lot of time
before the Amiga was actually made. Could it be intended to coincide with the
invention of the PET or another C= micro?).
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
"Wer nichts zu sagen hat, sagt es auf Englisch."
(-Walter Kr?mer, bez?gl. Anglizismen.)