I am putting out a call once again to anybody who has any DOS software (and
I mean anything at all: Word processors, games, scientific programs, etc.)
that will work on a Sharp PC-7000 lunchbox portable.
I think it has 384K, or so, of memory, but programs that run in 256K should
be enough for the job. I also runs DOS Ver. 3.2
I *do not* want to have to sell or scrap this somewhat rare (well, for a PC,
anyway) machine because I have no software for it aside from the boot disk.
David Vohs, Digital Archaeologist & Computer Historian.
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Computer Collection:
"Triumph": Commodore 64C, 1802, 1541, FSD-1, GeoRAM 512, Okimate 20.
"Leela": Macintosh 128 (Plus upgrade), Nova SCSI HDD, Imagewriter II.
"Delorean": TI-99/4A.
"Monolith": Apple Macintosh Portable.
"Spectrum": Tandy Color Computer 3.
"Boombox": Sharp PC-7000.
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